dinsdag 6 oktober 2009

Banking crisis hits Flemish fathers and nuns

500.000 Euros, that is what the Brothers of Charity lost because of the bankruptcy of the investment bank Lehman Brothers. The Sisters of the Holy Vincent saw 1 million Euros vanishing into thin air. Both congregations have submitted an insurance claim, in the hope of getting a part of their money back. The Sisters themselves keep silence, but for the Brothers of Charity, a loss of 500.000 Euros isn’t a disaster; none of their projects will get into difficulties.


Thomas Standaert

1 opmerking:

Marilyn Michels zei

500.000 Euros you write '500,000 euros' in English , that is what the Brothers of Charity lost because of the bankruptcy of the investment bank Lehman Brothers. The Sisters of the Holy Vincent saw 1 million Euros vanishing vanish into thin air. Both congregations have submitted an insurance claim, in the hope of getting a part of their money back. The Sisters themselves keep silence The Sisters are quiet about it all, but for the Brothers of Charity, a loss of 500.000 Euros isn’t a disaster; none of their projects will get into difficulties.

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